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Im not gonna retire…


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
Everyone knows i lost my fight on the 1st march, people keep saying whats next am i gonna continue to fight? Yeah i will continue fighting, why quit something you love, boxing has been a big part of my life i pass medicals to fight why not continue.

I have a lot of things going round in my head, what i have is a mental coach whos got in touch with me from Harley Street london, i have a meeting with her on the 2nd march, to give me the positive vibe i need.

I believe my last fight, my opponent didnt beat me, i beat myself, the whole hype of being in the national media got to me putting pressure on me.

I have been fighting the best fighters in britain my whole career, why stop now?
When im expected to lose i have no pressure on myself i box alot better only just lose, i drop my opponents?
Why i have no pressure to win and im relaxed, i have just teamed up with forme British Super bantamweight champion Mathew Marsh and obviously still getting tips from former world champ Michael jennings and great trainer his brother Dave jennings.

Just a little thankyou to every1 supporting me and keeping me going, the fans and my true loyal fans, i dont make out im the best fighter im honest, but theres 1 thing i can say you cant buy heart, i will fight any1.

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